Because the teller went up this quick, I decided that I am going to pick the winner wednesday evening. I will give 3 more, little candys away, because of all the lovely comments I get. I would love to give everybody something, but that is too expensive ;-)
I have deciced to give away some blog candy, because I already have almost 10.000 hits in just 5 months! I think that is great. I will give away a magnolia stamp, two clearstamps from Imaginisce, some paper, ribbon and some more fun stuff.
I will use a random generator to pick a winner so please just post once to the message.
To enter please post a link to my blog candy giveway on your blog ;0)
Thanks to all of you for visiting my blog and all those kind comments!!
170 opmerkingen:
congratulation to 10.000 hits! oh a lovely blog-candy! i leave a link on my blog!
Glückwunsch zu 10.000 Hits. Du hast auch einen wunderschönen Blog.Ich komme gern bei Dir hier vorbei.
LG sendet mandy
Congratulations, 10,000 hits in 5 months I'm not suprised your cards are fantastic, please can I enter your blog candy? I have left a link at my blog. Thanks Jill x
Congrats with (soon) 10 000 hits! You make beautyfull cards, no wonder your bog is popular...
I have made a link on my blog,hope I'm lucky (the candy looks super!)
Hugs Laila
my card
10.000 hits in 5 maanden is fantastisch
Maar het kan ook haast niet anders, met zo een schitterende kaarten als jij maakt !!
heb een berichtje op mijn blog gezet over je blogcandy !!
Habe gerade durch Zufall Deinen Blog gefunden,der ist Dir wirklich gut gelungen.Gratulation.Werde bestimmt regelmäßig vorbeischauen.
10,000,wow!!! Congratulations.
I have linked you on my blog.The candy looks scrummy :o)x
Congrats on your hits! Hope there will be lots more to come!! :) I've linked you HERE. Thank you so much!!
bunnybox9 at gmail . com
Gratulation Jacqueline! Bei den tollen Karten ist es kein Wunder, dass der Zähler so schnell hoch steigt ;)
Liebe Grüße Tanja (Piper)
Oh wow du hast auch schon 10000 Hits auf deinem Blog und eine tolle Blog Candy dazu.
Ich schaue immer wieder gerne bei dir vorbei, denn deine Werke finde ich klasse (hab ja schon ein paar Karten von dir bekommen (o:
Ich wünsch dir noch viele Blog Besucher....
Lieben Gruß
Wow geweldig zoveel hits, gefeliciteerd!!!
Zelf ben ik net begonnen met een blog maar ik heb je gelinkt op mijn blog hoor!
Blijf vooral zo doorgaan met het kaarten maken en het inspireren!
Je blog candy ziet er ook yummie uit :-)
Glückwunsch zu 10.000 Besuchern, ich schaue ja eh immer bei dir vorbei :-)))........
Das ist ja klasse, schon so viele Besucher - gratuliere.
Einen Link zu Deinem Blog und Deinem Blog Candy setze ich gerne auf meinem Blog :-))
LG von Litta
Hallo Jacqueline,
meine Glückwunsch zu den fast 10000 Besuchern. Ich versuche dann hier auch mal mein Glück, bei dem tollen Gewinn!!!!!
Habe dich bei mir verlinkt
Ongelooflijk Jaqueline zoveel hits in zo'n korte tijd. Maar je maakt ook super kaarten. Heel leuk dat je zo'n blog candy doet, je hebt er wel een super pakket van gemaakt :).Ik heb een link op mijn blog neergezet.
What generous blog candy Jacqueline and congratulations for nearly reaching 10,000 in such a little time. You cards are just fantastic, Hugs, Nikki x
wow, congratulations on 10,ooo hits, your cards are fab, thanks for a chance to win scrummy candy
lv Gill x
Congratulations on your 10,000 hits Jacqueline....you have a fabulous blog and make beautiful cards so it is no surprise that you have so many visitors.
I will leave a link on my blog.
Carole ;-)
Congratulations on your milestone! Thanks for the generous candy chance! bx
Wow, well done. I have linked you to my blog. Thanks for the chance to win such yummy candy.
Sharon :-)x
Fantastic blog and congrats on all the hits. Thanks for the chance at some great blog candy!!
Jacqueline Fantastic!
It is very nice and very generous with your hand to offer this wonderful candy.
Big hugs my friend
Gefeliciteerd met je 10.000 hits. Dat is heel wat in een paar maanden. Wat een super candy heb je te vergeven. Je link staat op mijn blog
xoxo karin
nieuwe challengeblog:www.dutchdare-cardchallenges.blogspot.com
Gefeliciteerd met zo veel hits!
I heb een link op m'n blog geplaatst, want wie wil nu niet zo'n leuk pakketje winnen: http://scrapannelies.blogspot.com/2008/06/jacquelines-blog-candy.html
Congrats :)
Great blogcandy!
I've posted a link on my blog!!
Congrats on 10.000 hits. And thanks so much for blog candy.
Greetings, Katja
wow so viele Besucher! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Ein klasse Blog Candy! Vielleicht hab ich ja mal glück! Vielen Dank dafür!
lg Jane
Wat tof dat je al zoveel hits hebt!
En wat een geweldige blog-candy geef je weg!
Er staat een link op mijn blog!
Congratulations to 10.000 hits!
Great candy, i post it on my blog.
Hugs, Andrea
Das ist ja ne klasse Idee von Dir.
Ich mach auch mit, hatte aber bisher noch nie Glück bei einem Blogcandy.
Hoi Jacqueline, gefeliciteerd zeg, bijna 10.000 bezoekers!! da's een heel pak. Maar je blog en je creaties mogen dan ook gezien worden, ik kom geregeld langs hoor.
Ik heb je gelinkt op mijn blog, die kan je hier vinden http://the-scent-of-paper.blogspot.com/
groetjes, Renilde
Hallo Jacqueline,
herzlichen Glückwunsch zu all deinen Besuchern. Das ist ja wirklich super! Und auch dein Blog Candy schaut klasse aus, ich habe es in meinem letzten Posting auch erwähnt :)
Liebe Grüße
von Jay Jay
10.000 hits, dat zijn er nogal wat, super zeg! Maar je hebt natuurlijk ook een gave blog met prachtige kaarten...
Van harte!
Groetjes, Carin
(heb een linkje geplaatst)
gefeliciteerd met je aantal hits !!! geen wonder eigenlijk want je maakt fantastische kaarten !
(heb je gelinkt op mijn blog)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu den 10.000 Besuchern! Ich wünsche Dir noch viel Spaß mit Deinem tollen, tollen Blog!! Deine Stempelwerke ist sooooo schön! LG, Tanja
Man congrats on your hits dear. I always love looking at your blog
I have uploaded your blog candy on my blog
Wow, wat een mooie blogcandy.
Al 10000 bezoekers op zo'n korte tijd, chique !
Er staat in ieder geval een berichtje op mijn blog.
herzlichen glückwunsch jacqueline zu 10000 besucher auf deinem blog ... ich komme auch immer sehr gern und lasse mich inspirieren. ich habe dein blogcandy auch verlinkt.
mach weiter so!!!
liebe grüsse
Wow bijna 10.000 hits!!!! Gefeliciteerd, maar het is ook geen wonder met zo'n gaaf blog! Je maakt echt hele mooie dingen! Ik heb gelijk een berichtje op mijn blog geplaatst hoor, ik hoop dat dat ook nog meer bezoekers op gaat leveren!
amai, 10000 hits op vijf maanden tijd, ik kan er enkel van dromen!
ik heb een linkje gezet op mijn blog:
Congratulations on 10,000 hits, and what lovely blog candy... I have put a link on my blog
Thanks Jose
Je kaarten zien er prachtig uit, het is dus ook niet zo raar dat je al zo snel op 10.000 bezoekers zit! Gefeliciteerd ermee!!
~ Leonie ~
Your candy is great, and I've just posted a link in my blog, crossing everything I have to be the lucjy winner :)
Hugs, Hanne:)
Meinen Glückwunsch zu 10000 Klicks.
Du hast tolle Kartenweke gemacht und ich schaue gerne wieder rein.
Congrats on your 10,000 hits well done. I have put a link to your lovely blog candy on my blog
Have a great weekend and thanks fo your lovely comments
Hugs Jacqui x
Gefeliciteerd hoor met zo'n succes!
Ik heb je alvast doorgelinkt op mijn blog: http://creanijn.blogspot.com/2008/06/nog-een-blogcandy.html
What an awesome giveaway.
I will post a link on my blog, a have a little section for when I come accross some blog candy.
congrads on 10,000 hits.I LOVE your blog candy.That is so nice of you:)
Congratulations on your hits!! The blog candy looks fabulous - I would love to be on the winning end of it, too! Keep up with all of your wonderful inspiration.
Congratulations! I have left a link on my blog
by the way your cards are lovely!
Woo Hoo 10,000!!! Congrats... will leave a link... Jan
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu all deinen Besuchern.
Ich kommen sehr gerne auf deinem Blog und schaue mir deine wunderschöne Karten/Werke an
Habe dein Blog-Candy verlinkt.
Mach nur so weiter!!!!
Ganz liebe Grüße
Congratulations! I have just started my own blog - its such fun. I have posted a link to your site on my blog. Paperaddict.
Congratulations on 10,000 hits. Hope i'm not too late to join in! Have left a link on my blog!
I don`t have a blog but I did want to congratulate on your wonderful blog. So many hits in such a short time. wonderful.
wow congrats on 10000 hits, and thats alot candy!
i have left you a comment on my CraftyKrafts blog - which can be found under my profile.
danke für deinen Kommentar... Super-Blog und werde gerne öfters vorbei schauen...
No wonder you've got 10 000 hits, you make beautifull cards! :) Congratulations!
ooh what wonderful blog candy!
Congratulations on getting so many hits.
I've left a link on my blog to spread the news.
Jen x Phoenix Crafts
Gratulation zu den 10000 Besuchern.
Tolles Blog-Candy hast Du da gestartet.
Kannte Deinen Blog gar nicht.
Werde aber bestimmt öfter vorbeischauen.
Wunderschöne Sachen hast Du da gezaubert.
Liebe Grüße
Congratulations on getting (almost) 10,000 hits on your blog! I love all your cards. I've left a link on my blog.
Oh wow, that's a huge amount of hits. Well done. Just linked you too.
Thank you, Mand xxx
Gefeliciteerd. Ik had je al gezegd: wat een nullen, maar wel super leuk.
Groetjes José D.
Thanks for commenting on my cards :-) I'd love to enter your blog candy, thanks for letting me know about it. I have left a link on my blog :-)
Congrats on 10.000 hits,love ya blog and have left a link to ya fabby candy on my blog :-)
Wat goed Jacqueline,al zoveel mensen,ik vind je kaartje ook altijd mooi.Ik zet het op mijn blog.
Liefs Sanne
Great! I love blogcandy...
Congratulation on the 10.000 hits - I can see it is today!
There is a link to your fantastic blog on my blog.
Wooow Jacqueline, ich gratuliere dir ganz herzlich zu 10.000 Blog Hits ... Dein Blog ist ja auch ganz zauberhaft und ich schaue so oft ich kann bei dir vorbei ...
LG, Moni
Herzlichen Glueckwunsch liebe Jaqueline.
ich werde die neuigkeiten bei mir auch ankuendigen.
liebe gruesse
hi jacqueline, thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog. i get so excited when there is a comment. i can tell you love tilda just like i do. your cards are beautiful!! i have never won anything like blog candy so cross your fingers for me. have a great day and thank you so much! comments like yours keep me motivated
hugs candy
Hoi Jacqueline,
10.000 bezoekers in 5 maanden dat is echt veel, maar ja dit mag dan ook gezegd worden het ziet er ook erg mooi uit.
groetjes Sylvia
Hello Jaqueline
Congratulation to 10.000 hits on your blog! And thank you so much for the nice comment in my blog :-)
I have left a link to your blog candy in my blog.
Congratulations! You have beautiful cards. The coloring is so soft and the cards so gorgeous. Yummy Blog Candy! I left a link on my blog:
Gefeliciteerd met zoveel bezoekers in zo korte tijd. En je maakt mooie kaarten hoor. Leuk met dat naaien erbij en zo. ga zo door!
WOW! Congrats on the 10k!! YOur blog is awesome and I can why you hit it that fast...
Thankyou for visiting my blog and the lovely comment wow what a wonderful blog you have no wonder you have so many hits congratulations fantastic in such a short time I have left a link on my blog
Wow!! that is one amazing blog candy! Of Course I`ll paly along. thanks for tempting me... LOL!
Congratulations Jacqueline and thanks for stopping by. I will pop something on my blog now xxx
Wow wat een aantallen hebben er jou blog al bezocht, ik spreek uit ervaring er is ook altijd wel wat te zien en wat een afwerkings nivea, hoop dat er nog veel meer hits voorbij komen
Liefs Patricia
Congratulations - I now why you have had so many hits - your cards are gorgeous.
You are linked on my blog.
Thank you for your lovely comments,
Cathy xx
hoi jaqueline
wat een leuk idee zeg! Ik heb een berichtje op mijn blog gezet.
groetjes renske
Oooh.. gefeliciteerd met zoveel hits meis :)
en wat een ontzettend leuke Candy!!
lg, Marlene x
Wow!!!! What fabulous candy, very generous giveaway :) I will add a link on my blog! Thanks for your kind comments :)
Carol x
A link in my blog to this fabulous blog
wow, great blog candy!
i have posted a link from my blog to yours.
Wow! Congratulations on your hits!Amazing blogcandy!! Hope I am not to late..:) Your blog is great! I've made a link on my blog.
Hugs, C.
Congratulations and I would be delighted to link your blog
Congratulations on all the hits...but it is sure no wonder..cause your work is Beautiful!!! Thanks for chance to win such fabulous candy!! I just got back from the lake....and just posted your blog candy on my blog!!
Wow, Blog Candy - yummmieh!!!
Congrats to 10.000 hits, that´s a hit!!!
Best regards, Nadine
Here is done !
Great blog, and nice blog candy !
Wow! Not only fantastic candy but a fantastic blog as well!! Off to link you now! Thanks for being so generous!
Your cards are amazing I'm really not surprised you have had so many hits on your blog. I have followed a link a friend sent me but I shall certainly visit again and again.
I will put a link on my blog too.
Ann xxx
Hi, Jacqueline.. Is this Blog Candy still going? As I see you have exceeded the 10,000 target! Congratulations!! :o)
It's a terrific blog, and I love your designs!
Meanwhile, have linked to your candy.. just in case I am still in time! The link is in my blog in the sidebar.. HERE
wow thats a lot of hits!! congratulations
See here for the link
Your candy is great, and I've just posted a link in my blog
Congrats on all those hits you got on your blog :)! Thank you for this chance to win some wonderful blog candy.
I posted a link over on my blog about your blog candy: www.mystampinggrounds.blogspot.com
tillykke - or congrats whit all your visitors. Lovly place yuo have made here
congratulations on 10K hits! I adore your cards I am in awe and have you on my faves to visit as often as possible! looking forward to more! i posted on my blog!
I love Magnolia's! You do such a wonderful job with them. Lovely work!
I shall go to my blog and add a link. TFS.
ich besuche zum erste Mal deine Blog. Du hast echt schönen Blog gezaubert. Auch von mir herzlichen Glückwunsch zu 10.000 Klick.
I Love these Magnolia Stamps...I have just ordered my first set and am patiently awaiting their arrival! I would love to win yours though!! Thanks
Brandi abcs@myipplus.net
Congratulations with the hits :)
and thanks for the wonderful blog candy. I've put a link on my blog.
all I can say is wow! your stuff is fab and I would love some blog candy.
thank you for all your comments.
Nice for all to visit many in so little time.
Here is my blog:
wow..du machst ja wunderschöne sachen.. und toll das du innerhalb von 5 monaten schon 10.000 besucher hattest ist ja irre.
Einen wunderschönen Tag wünsche ich dir aus Dänemark.
Ich habe einen comment auf meinem Blog hinterlassen:)
wahouuu congratulation to 10.000 hits!and thank you for this blog candy!
Wow that is a lot of hits! I am going to post your blog candy on my blog candy alert section now.
I think it ends Wednesday 25th is that right?
congrats on 10000 hits I put a link on my sidebar:)
Super cool blog!! I've posted a link on my blog.
Congratulations to 10 000 hits. No wonder theres so much visitors with all Your wonderfull creations.
Blog candy would taste veeery good
I'm leaving a link to my blog
i've left a post on my blog for your "blog candy"!
A wonderful blog, I can see why you have had so many visitors :) will leave a link on my blog Tx
Many congratulations on your 10,000 hits. Wow! Here's to many more!
WOW!! Wonderful work, I can see how you got to 10,000 so fast! great job, her eis my link:
Wow! Great stuff! Congratulations on your hit counts! Going to link you now to join! Thanks!
Congratulations on your 10,000 hits!
How nice of you to share with candy.
congratulation to 10.000 hits !
lovely blog-candy!
and your blog is very fantastic !!!
Congrats on 10,000 hits that is awesome!
du hast einen sehr tollen blog, schaue hier auch gern vorbei
und nen tollen blog candy hast du
herzlichen glückwunsch zum 10.000 hits :)
lg mady
Congratulations to 10.000 hits.
Greetings from Denmark KH 10na
congratulations to your wonderful blog.
WOW 10,000 hits in 5 months?! That is awesome!! Congrats and I will leave a link!
Congratulation to 10.000 hits on your blog!
I have left a link to your blog candy in my blog.
Gefeliciteerd met de 10.000 hits in 5 maanden, maar je kaarten zijn zeker het bewonderen waard... Ik heb met veel plezier zitten snuffelen... Rustig op de laptop in de achtertuin..
Kan ik meedoen met de blog candy, ik heb een bericht op mijn site geplaatst en ik heb je gelinkt bij mijn favoriete blogs.. Ben nog niet zo lang aan het scrappen dus elk idee is welkom.. ik heb leuke ideeën opgedaan op je site... Veel succes en nog een hele fijne dag..
Groetjes Sasjenka
hoi mam ik laat een berichtje van de psp achter=| leuk aantal bezoekers
I surfed around and somehow ended up here at your blog, I will link to you´re page and congrats to the 10 000 hits, that´s so amazing! =)
félicitations pour tes 10 000 visites en si peu de temps.
je viens de mettre un post sur mon blog, pour le blog candy.
bise sandisouri
Na dann: herzlichen Glückwunsch. Bin Deinem Wink gefolgt und habe Dich gleich mal bei mir verlinkt.
Ich komme sicher öfter!
LG Anja
Voilà le lien pour votre blog candy:
merci pour votre commentaire ;o)
Congratulation to 10.000 hits!!!!!!!!
Yous cards are fantastic. I leave a link on my blog!!!!!!!
wow 10 000 hits
it merit you do very wonderful thinks and your blog is so fantastik
Congrats on your hit count! Lovely candy too.
K x
Congrats on your hit count! Lovely candy too.
K x
Hi Jacqueline and congratulations with 10.000 visitors!!
I've put a link to your blog candy here: http://papirverden.blogspot.com/
Stine :)
10,000,wow!!! I'll sertainly leave my blog link to you.
The candy looks fantastik :o)
I hope I'm lucky!
Hi! I love your cards and I come here quite often (even though I don't make a comment).
Thanks for visiting my blog :)
Hi Jacqueline! Wow, - 10.000 hits! Congratulations!
I have linked to the blog-candy in my blog!
You make beautiful cards! I will certainly visit your blog again!
i did a link in my blog!
thx :)
There are so many people that joined in so i think you really have a difficult thing to do tomorrow. But i love your blog with all the beautiful cards on it
Your blog did sent me to some sketch challenges. Thanks
WOW! Lots of hits! This is a great blog candy!! Thanks so much!
how many hits??? wow!!
will add your link later today!
vanessa xx
Superbe blog,j'ai mis le lien sur le mien.
First time I´m here but I will come back for more. You make really greate cards and I like all the detils.
congratulations for your 10000 hits !! your cards are very beautiful wow !!
i' ve just posted your link of my blog : http://mondeducrumble.blogspot.com/2008/06/blog-candy.html
thank you for blog candy
Congratulations for your 10.000 hits in 5 months ! I leave a link you on my blog. Your creations are so lovely ! See you soon !
Hugs !
Congrats on reaching 10 000 hits, wow!
though looking through your creations i am not in the least surprised, you have some stunning pieces of work going on over here well done...
Thank you for the opportunity to have a chance at winning your fabby blog candy....I have put a link over on my blog...
Hugs Rach.xx
I'd love to play too
Have linked you on my blog too!
super ce petit jeu, et bien je participe.
Thanks to invit me to participate to your blog candy,
congratulations for your 10000 hits .
YOUR CARDS are so lovely
bises chatdoro
I have linked from my blog
Congratulations on reaching 10000 + !
10,000 hits, well done! I'll put up a link on my blog. Thanks for your lovely comments on my last post!
Hi well done on your 10,000 hits I would love to go into your draw I have addeda link on my blog http://craftingdivadesigns.blogspot.com thank you
Great blog, well worth visiting, no wonder you have so many hits....please can I enter for your blog candy:-
Congrats on your 10,000 hits - I've just hit 10,000 too and have blog candy! LOL!
fantastic blog candy whoo hoo, where in the world can you find candy like this?! Some great work on your blog, thanks for sharing
Congratulations on the hits!!!!!!
Your cards are very pretty and unique and I like that! Thank you for a chance to win some awesome candy and I will leave a link on my blog as well:)
Congratulations on reaching 10,000 hits! :) Because I think you are super special, I will be giving you some...♥"Link Love"♥...today on my blog. Have a GREAT Day!!
Suzee Q's Stuff
Congrats with the 10000, I've put a link on my blog :)
Gorgeous blog candy.
wow...that little giraffe is a doll. if i dont win...mind telling me where you got it? congrats on the hits... that is super exciting. i've got you linked!
Congratulations on getting 10,000 hits, what an achievement. Your blog candy is just georgous, hope I win. Karen
Congrats on 10,000 hits! I love blog candy! I have really enjoyed your blog!
Et bien que de monde! Tu as un très joli blog et j'aime beaucoup ton travail. Félicitation pour tes 10 000 visiteurs.BRAVO! Les cadeaux sont SUPER! Bisous et à bienôt.
Congrats to your 10.000 Visitors. You´ve a wonderful blog and the candy is great.
I´ve got linked you on my blog!
what a great Blog and a wonderful blog candy.
Grats to 10.000 visitors!
I like to look araound here.
I linked you to my blog.
Hallo !
Glückwunsch zu den vielen Besuchern!
Und weiterhin noch viele tolle Ideen!
Grüssles BlackShadow!
Gratuliere zu 10000 Hits :) Mag deinen Blog sehr ;)
Gratuliation zu 10.000 Besuchern. Du hast einen tollen Blog und ein super Blog-Candy. Ich werde Dich auf meinem Blog verlinken.
Viele Grüße
Hi Jacqueline,
Just wanted to say a huge thank you for the fabby candy that you sent, it arrived this morning...it is lovely...THANK YOU!
love rach.xx
I will try to write in English :-))
congratulation for you 10000 hit...fantastik blog
I put the link of this blog on my blog
kisses from France
ohh the big mistake the candy is finish???
hihi sorry
but I very happy to discovert your blog
see you soon
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